Realise your waste’s potential

Our feedstock trial evaluates the suitability of using your available waste streams as a feedstock for producing insects as a sustainable protein source.

Feedstock trial

Our feedstock trial is a crucial first step for any organisation or business considering insect farming as a new commercial venture or for exploring the utilisation of insects within existing supply chains.

The Centre for Insect Technology

In our larvae growth units at the Centre for Insect Technology in London, we feed and grow black soldier flies under industrial production conditions. The ideal feedstock recipe for the insects should be nutritious and have the right consistency and physical properties to be digested easily and efficiently. Our advanced climate control system ensures larvae are provided with optimum growth conditions such as temperature and humidity throughout this all-important stage in their lifecycle.

“The Entocycle team are very innovative and quickly identified the best solutions for our requirements. They’re highly professional and always happy to provide valuable advice on technical and operational requirements”

– Gesa Reiss, SMART Agri-Systems Senior Innovation Fellow, University of Leeds

Want to know more about our feedstock trial?